
SHKL has been a leading manufacturer of bathroom vanity, shower doors, and LED bathroom mirrors since 2004.

20 Years Old - Heart Surging | SHKL Sanitary Ware 20th Anniversary Celebration and 2024 SHKL National Dealers Summit Successfully Concluded

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On the evening of May 24, 2024, SHKL Sanitary Ware's 20th Anniversary Celebration and 2024 SHKL National Dealers Summit in Foshan, Guangdong - Xiqiao Cultural Centre came to a grand end. The event was themed "20 years old - heart surging", which gathered over 1,000 dealers and partners from all over the country, leaders of industry associations/chambers of commerce, media representatives, and all Galan employees to witness this milestone moment.

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Innovation Leads, Gathering Forward

At the beginning of the summit, Zhang Aimin, chairman of the board of directors, made an opening speech, Zhang Dong truly shared his feelings about operating jitterbugs, starting from the external environment changes, Zhang Dong stressed that the conditions of the external environment are not controllable, it must be from the individual, proactively embrace the changes, full of self-confidence to take action to expand the new media and home furnishing and other channels.

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Summit, deputy general manager Chen Songbing first made the 2024 annual brand report, a vivid and specific interpretation of the "custom home temperament" brand concept, an in-depth understanding of the consumer-style taste and home temperament of the correlation between the design of custom, production and intelligence, product system, service guarantee, honors, and achievements, etc. Showing the SHKL of the brand strength and sustained empowerment for scene SHKL with great inspirational power.

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Surprise, Guangzhou Jianzhong, DRD Design Institute founder Hou Dingwen teacher to bring a class called "Dealers to break the Game the Way to Growth" of the topic of sharing, as an industry expert, he in-depth analysis of the industry's overall trend, the government's current policy and the current Internet environment of the whole territory of the strategy of customer acquisition, stressing in the lecture emphasized tamping down the internal strength of the integration of the marketing of the general trend of making full use of the online resources and the flow of traffic is crucial, the mindset of the change is the first, online and offline is not a confrontation, but the integration of the dealers present brought a wealth of revelation.

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Subsequently, the heart of the SHKL marketing director Bao Guofeng shared in detail the past year SHKL's market performance as well as the future marketing strategy. He pointed out that the shop traffic was strongly impacted at the moment, SHKL will further promote the new media diversion project, and strengthen the integration of online and offline, to create a full range of consumer experiences, while stressing the importance of home furnishing whole channel and continuous learning and growth.

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From the beginning of drilling and polishing the laminated glass shower enclosure, "let the family take a shower at ease" has always been the initial pursuit of the SHKL Shower Room. At the summit site, Lin Guodong, the general manager of the SHKL shower room division, shared his observations on the current industry and market pain points and the solutions given by the SHKL shower room. Mr Lin unveiled the new products C series, panoramic door, and bathroom door, and previewed the breakthrough of P series, which was highly noticed by SHKL.

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Wisdom collision, win-win future

In the dealer sharing session, Qian Linjie, distributor in Tangxia, Zhejiang, introduced in detail how to use new media for brand promotion and local traffic import, detailed and comprehensive operational experience, and practical guide to benefit SHKL. Urumqi Zhu Xing shared the home improvement channel to help performance growth and emphasized its development strategy in the local market. And encouraged other distributors to actively explore this field. The sharing of the two gamers brought a wealth of inspiration and thinking, expanding the gamers' business expansion ideas.

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Chairman Zhang Saimin's 20th Anniversary Sharing


Reviewing the glorious years and looking forward to the new journey

Before the dinner, all SHKL staff is divided into honor staff, full health, board, intelligent mirror, and function, win SHKL electric business, Kaiting, Yasuo Aisu headquarters, and other seven teams, SHKL people step in neat steps in turn for the parade ceremony, spiritedly greeted the arrival of the 20th anniversary of SHKL.

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At the beginning of the dinner, Mr Zhang Aimin, the chairman of the board, appeared on the stage in the glittering lights and delivered the 20th anniversary report with enthusiasm. Mr. Zhang reviewed the company's 20 years of development, from a team of a few people to thousands of large families, from a small factory of a few hundred square feet to tens of thousands of square feet of digital intelligent production base, from the unicorn of a single category of bathroom cabinets to the navigation of the all-body customization strategy, from the operation of multi-brand to the YinJia e-commerce, Kaiting shower, Yasuo bathroom and other seven branches/centres of the group, SHKL has always been daring to innovate and enterprising, from the first to carry the banner of digital intelligent production, Heart of SHKL has always insisted on an open and sharing attitude, and has always been a good partner with the company. From taking the lead in carrying the flag of digital intelligent production, the SHKL always adheres to the attitude of openness and sharing, and the industry to grow together.

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In the process of pioneering development, the hard-working and courageous people of SHKL play an important and indispensable role in the "gratitude, honesty, pragmatism, innovation" of the core values of the enterprise, SHKL people are united and enterprising, studious, and humble. Mr Zhang looked forward to the future development blueprint. Zhang emphasised that in the future, SHKL will continue to adhere to the innovation drive, improve product quality, expand brand influence, and provide consumers with more quality products and services.

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At the dinner, more than 1,000 SHKL people and leading guests accompanied by the host and Zhang Dong's countdown sound, the hands of the paper plane to fly high, will be the ideal and hope to fly, paper planes carrying the blessing to open the SHKL 20 anniversary of the new journey.

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Witness the moment of glory together

Jiangxi Chamber of Commerce in Foshan City, President of the return to the Ran Academy Bao Jiejun first speech, President Bao stressed that virtue and love is Zhang Aimin, Chairman of the quality of always have, and with the team watered with virtue and love will create amazing achievements, virtue carries things, SHKL is an enterprise with love and culture.

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China Building Materials Circulation Association, vice president of the Executive Committee, Chairman of the Ceramic Sanitary Ware Dealers Committee, Li Zuoqi issued a speech, Li highly appreciated the chairman of the board of directors of Zhang Aimin's breadth of mind and pattern, praised Galan in promoting the development of the industry and the contribution made by the exchange of enterprises, and wish SHKL in the 20th anniversary of the new stage.

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SHKL company for many years with SHKL through thick and thin dealers, employees, and suppliers were honored. Fifth anniversary, tenth anniversary, fifteenth anniversary, and 20th anniversary of the staff SHKL people have harvested bonuses and trophies, dealers partners also received a special commemorative medal, to thank them for their long-term support of the company.

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Twenty Years of Travelling Together, Grateful to the Founder

In the gratitude to the founder of the link, SHKL people on behalf of Huang Wenjuan and Fan Xiaowen (rain or shine 20 years award-winning employees) for the two founders Zhang Dong, Yang, sent on behalf of the love and hope of the gift. SHKL people silently watching the eyes of the company's founders showed the gratitude, thanks to their wisdom and persistence, leading SHKL constantly moving forward.

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Wonderful and Laughing

The last chapter of the celebration was a wonderful cultural performance and exciting lucky draw. Song and dance band, poetry recitation rounds, the scene atmosphere is warm, laughter, all the leaders and guests, SHKL friends in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, to celebrate the 20th birthday of SHKL Sanitary Ware.

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The 20 anniversary celebration of SHKL Sanitary Ware and 2024 SHKL National Dealers Summit is not only a summary review of the past 20 years, but also an outlook on the future of the new journey. The chapter has been turned over, and the journey has been started. SHKL will continue to uphold the original intention, and the majority of dealers and partners hand in hand, and all SHKL people work together to create a more brilliant tomorrow.

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Contact Person: Rita Luo
E-mail: info@shklbathroom.com

E-mail: info@shkl.cc
Tel: +86 0757 82583932
Fax: +86 0757 82583936
Whatsapp: +86 139 299 10217

Foshan SHKL Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.

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