
SHKL has been a leading manufacturer of bathroom vanity, shower doors, and LED bathroom mirrors since 2004.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held

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February 23, with the theme of "together - the dream of the heart" for the heart of the sea SHKL 2023 national dealer summit was successfully held in Chengdu, Tianfu! SHKL Sanitary Ware Chairman Zhang Aimin together with dealer partners and guests around the country gathered to start the third five-year plan - SHKL new journey, drawing SHKL excellent service ecology, to develop a new pattern of market development.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 1

Start Of The First Year Of Service
Wholeheartedly Serve Our Customers

Zhang Aimin, chairman of the board, said in his opening speech: 2023, SHKL's service year, wholeheartedly for customer service is our ultimate goal. We will refine the service for the purpose of the product and service double line, service to enhance the brand and improve efficiency. Home furnishing building materials industry situation gradually warming, real estate policies continue to be introduced, Zhang Dong expressed optimism about the market, and show that the steady progress, innovation, and will certainly be able to add to the industry.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 2Zhang Ai Ming


Host Chengdu dealer Wang Chao Wang shared the Chengdu landscape and culture, analysis of the sanitary market environment in Chengdu, industry trends, indicating the confidence and firmness of the operation, calling on the SHKL people to seek progress in a stable manner, brave forward.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 3Wang Chao


Building An Excellent Service Ecology
Multi-segment Full-chain Power

The opening year of the third five-year plan - the year of service, focusing on the service port. Mr. Tan Jie, Assistant to the Chairman and Director of Human Resources Center, released the annual service strategy report with the theme of "Service Empowerment and Perfection".

He said to build dealers, consumers, employees as the core of the service system, marketing, brand, technology, after-sales and other multi-sector when concentrated efforts to build a full chain of services, aimed at improving quality and efficiency for the enterprise, for the terminal empowerment growth, for the consumer peace of mind satisfaction; at the same time SHKL officially established the Group Service Center, a comprehensive treatment of key service projects.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 4Tan Jie, Assistant to the President and Director of Human Resources Center

Product is the life of the brand, but in today's era, service efficiency is equally important. SHKL sanitary ware deputy general manager Chen Songbing in the new products and brand promotion strategy report announced the direction of SHKL new bathroom cabinet research and development, and grandly announced the heart of the sea SHKL full bathroom custom 3.0 new open, will make full use of marketing tools, multi-dimensional to enhance the efficiency of design marketing, comprehensive empowerment of dealers, to create an easy and comfortable shopping experience for consumers.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 5Vice General Manager Chen Songbing

At the meeting, SHKL Sanitary Ware marketing director Bao Guofeng on 2022 marketing empowerment work to summarize and said that in 2023 the marketing team will focus on key regions and for store training, channel development, decoration upgrade, online attraction and other aspects of continuous empowerment terminal, to improve service efficiency.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 6Marketing Director Bao Guofeng

As another fist category outside the SHKL bathroom cabinet - shower room, with the laminated safety performance successfully out of the circle. SHKL shower room division marketing director Tao Lin released the new shower room in 2023 at the meeting, a new upgrade in the switch noise, rail quality, design style, while indicating that the focus will be on follow-up, after-sales, training and other levels to improve the quality of service.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 7Tao Lin, Marketing Director of Shower Room Division

Exchange And Progress Together And Promote Each Other's Growth

As a representative of dealer service, Wu Ze Wu, a dealer in Hefei, Anhui Province, explained in detail the meaning of service through the service service system, and shared specific service cases and ways and means, while emphasizing the positive feedback brought by quality service in home improvement channels.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 8Anhui Hefei distributor Wu Ze

Open up channels, innovative customer acquisition. Anhui Liu'an dealer Chen Jiu-liang Chen shared the necessity of operating home improvement channels and methods and techniques, for gamma people brought an important reference and touch.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 9Anhui Liuan distributor Chen Jiuliang

Tiktok and other new media apps are ubiquitous in daily life, but how to do a good job of Tiktok to attract traffic and get customers for stores?

SHKL invited Rock, a 20-year home frontline marketer and head anchor in the home industry, to share how to operate Tiktok accounts, get crosstown traffic, and become a home session's daimler weblebrity.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 10 Home industry head anchor Rock

At the meeting, the 315 kick-off meeting was opened, and the 315 activities were officially opened with the ceremony of palm start and team flagging, and all the marketing elites of SHKL swore together that they would accomplish the task!

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 11

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 12

Gratitude For The Journey
2021-2022 Annual Awards Ceremony

A great cause, little by little accumulation until the monument is cast, never a simple thing. SHKL Sanitary Ware Chairman Zhang Aimin in the dinner scene to review the SHKL all the way through the storm, thanks to all the partners who have accompanied SHKL to today, but also hope that together with everyone to go through the next 20 years, 30 years ......

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 13

At the award ceremony, SHKL issued the awards for 2021 and 2022 together, inspiring all SHKL people to go forward and forge ahead to a new journey of SHKL.

The following day, some of the participating dealers visited SHKL's Chengdu store to discuss marketing ideas, store decoration and upgrading, as well as channel development and other business experience to win the terminal market together with quality products and services.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 14

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 15

Gathering Power To Make Progress Together-dreaming Heart Journey
[Gathering] first Chengdu a hotel.
[Force] amount of brands in the SHKL.
[Together] business journey when the day?
[Into] take the line on today.


[By] celebrate the whole of the guard to celebrate.
[Dream] with the custom raised a glass of joy.
[Heart] sweet wine beauty to wish with
[Journey] chapter to congratulate the joy of consecutive years.

SHKL 2023 National Distributor Summit was held 16

Vietnam HOA SEN Group visited SHKL for business investigation and communication
Qingyuan Base 6#7# Plant Fully Topped Out!
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“ Provide you one stop bathroom solution and considerate service ”
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Contact Person: Rita Luo
E-mail: info@shklbathroom.com

E-mail: info@shkl.cc
Tel: +86 0757 82583932
Fax: +86 0757 82583936
Whatsapp: +86 139 299 10217

Foshan SHKL Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd.

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